Right now I should be writing a paper for school. I am choosing to put it off however, to write a little something on here. I know I will regret it later when I am busting my butt rushing about trying to put the finishing touches on my 1,800-word homework assignment. No matter, I so much enjoy writing whatever I want with no expectations as to word count, source types, and direct quotes that I think procrastination for the sake of blogging is kind of worth it.
So, let's see. I have been having an extremely busy week, and have an extremely busy week ahead. Here is my "To Do" list (Seth makes fun of me for making so many of these lists, but it is a nice little game I like to play with myself - the more things I cross off the more accomplished I feel)
To Do:
Doctor on Wednesday (glucose test - so NO sugar)
Read 150 pages before my Literature test on Monday
Finish up my itunes U lectures
Write an analytical response to "The Secret Sharer" - (my a fore mentioned 1,800 word burden)
finish 19 essay tests for World History by next Wednesday
Double check my classes for next semester
Finish up my lesson and Calendar devotions for the pre-teen class by Sunday
Make any last minute preparations before convention on Friday (charge camera, get directions, fill van, get all paperwork together, contact students, etc.)
Pack all of our things for convention
Clean the house (laundry, vacuum, dishes, bathroom, etc.)
finish registering for baby items
Schedule a doctor's appointment for Mollie
I look at this list and feel overwhelmed, I have had weeks like this before and survived, but I always seem to wonder if I can survive it again.
I don't really know if there is a point to what I'm saying or if I am just using this as an outlet to vent :), whatever the reason, I plan on having a very thankful Thanksgiving despite my "To Do" list, because God can give me the joy and the strength that I need to get me through!
Now, back to that paper.
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