Outside my window is yet another cloudy, wet day. This week my sisters and brother-in-law have been here to visit and spend time with the kids. The whole week has been cloudy and wet. Which means my kids have been marooned inside. They have been running around, singing songs, telling 'stories' watching their favorite cartoons, listening to music, playing games, reading books and drawing pictures. Needless to say we have had a very noisy house. Having three extra sets of helping hands to play, change diapers, entertain, pamper, and soothe was more than helpful for me and my kids. Still their energy shouldn't be contained to 1900sq feet.
Silence has always been rare and seems almost foreign in our home, but this week, we have hit a new record - 'most lively.' Yet, even at this very moment - while I am writing this sentence and my children are circling me, squealing at one another, I can't help but ache for those whose homes are still, whose house is perfectly organized and silence is far from 'golden.'
While sometimes overwhelming, I cherish my tiny bundles of chaos and mischief. On those days when I can't even hear my own thoughts, I remember that some day there will be peace and quiet, someday they will say their goodbyes and leave me with time all to myself - my thoughts can wait - I will hear them all too clearly in 20 years or so...
...for now, I love the noise.